- February 1987 founded as private company „Robert Wirth Präzisionsteile" in Erlangen, Germany, by Robert Wirth.
- January 1990 legal conversion into „Robert Wirth CNC Präzisionsteile GmbH", single shareholder Robert Wirth.
- Germany, 91086 Aurachtal-Münchaurach, Wirtshöhe 1
- September 2000 relocated into newly constructed facilities at today´s site.
- October 2007 expansion by aquiring an adjacent facility
- site 1: manufacturing area 1.500 m², office area 250 m²
- site 2: manufacturing area 800 m², office area 50 m²
approximately 50, of which 36 are qualified and trained specialists dedicated for production, apprentices are also included.
(own mechanic apprenticeship since autumn 2005)
Managing Director
Uwe Hassler